I-Prod Studios (a Clairson brand) are happy to support the KFTV team and help them launch their platform!
KFTV is a platform offering original, rich, and high-quality programs on the theme of Korean culture, filmed in Korea and France.
Today, the catalog offers several films and documentaries from Korean suppliers M-Line and CinemaDal.
KFTV productions are also available, including the three episodes of the show Korean Music Game, Quiz on Korea, The Kanap’, Hallyu Ready, The Swindlers (사기꾼), and many others. Additionally, there are reports on Korea and idol interviews. More than 40 films are presented on the platform, including A Boy and Sungreen (보희와 녹양) by Ahn Ju Young, which was presented at the 2019 edition of the Korean Film Festival in Paris, as well as The King’s Letter (나랏말싸미) by Choi Jeol Hyun, Juror #8 (배심원들) by Hong Seung Wan, and the zombie film The Odd Family (기묘한 가족) by Lee Min Jae.
The Korean French Television team reminds us that this initial offering will soon be enriched with content on K-pop, Korean dramas, exclusive reports, and more.
KFTV accompanies you in discovering South Korea.
Our passion at the service of our clients.